Jan 21, 2011

Natural Sinus Cures: Remedies For Sinus Conditions That Work


Sinus problems come from several different causes. Allergies, colds and flu and sinusitis are infections causing inflammation. Nasal decongestant sprays can lead to a rebound effect so that the very thing you`re using to help relieve the condition might actually be exacerbating it or causing it`s recurrence. Try these natural sinus remedies and see if they don`t bring the relief you are looking for.
Remember we are not doctors and do not diagnose, treat or cure disease. If symptoms last more than a few days be sure to check with your physician.
Natural Sinus Cures
Often infection or bacteria can cause sinus problems. If you suspect this to be the problem grate or crush one clove of garlic and place in a warm cup of water. Stir this very well and fill an eye dropper with this solution. Place 8 drops of this in each nostril. Use this for 3 - 4 days and often this is all it takes to end the infection.
Green Tea
For those suffering sinus problems due to allergies or hay fever start drinking more green tea as one of your natural sinus cures. It is high in vitamin A and C which also makes it useful for fighting colds and flu. Try replacing your morning coffee with a warm cup of tea or drink it throughout the day warm or cold.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Sometimes sinusitis is caused by an alkaline state of the body. To remedy this condition, mix 2 teaspoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar with mother in a tall glass of water. Drink this cider vinegar water every 90 minutes from morning until about 3 hours before bed. You can follow this for one to three days and then take this mix one or two times a day for maintenance and prevention measures.
This seaweed is full of vitamins and minerals. It has several medicinal qualities... among them are asthma and sinusitis. For the best overall effect mix this seaweed with olive oil and komezu, (rice vinegar).
Chronic conditions most often come from an imbalance with-in the body. Often this is a lack of good nutrition, or exercise, poor breathing, or constant exposure to chemicals that overload the body and cause the immune system to fail at healing. By regaining balance we often can overcome many of these chronic conditions.
Start eating more whole foods, fish, nuts and seeds. Exercise at least a few times a week, learn to meditate to relieve stress and actively practice a spiritual faith of your choosing for complete balance.

more about Natural Sinus Cures


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